Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Well, I am going to say the inevitable: Summertime is coming to an end. We will soon be in the month of September and back to work. As an educator, one would expect me to experience feelings of despair at this statement, but I am going to go ahead and not feel that. Instead I am going to opt for feelings of o.k.ness (don't right-click dictionary that one, it never has it). As fun and free summertime is I am ready to have a little routine back in my life. Before I sell out to this idea that routine is desirable I would like to take a moment to mentionwhat I have been able to do with all of my free time this summer.
-Take Jr. High girls to Jesus Camp
-See my family
-Go to a few baseball games
-Make dinner for my friends
-Go to the beach! ! !
-Get my house in order
-See my buddy Alison Garrett
-Turn 27
-Go to San Diego to hang with my family
What I consistently did from the beginning of summer was spend time with Dave, he is my boyfriend and he is really fun and so on. He is. . .It is too hard for me to gush, I am not a gusher, so just trust me, he is my favorite. Our friend Kate has been trying to make this happen for a while and I must say her intuition was right on.

Just last night I spent some time with my old boss Otis (Young Life). He is so great and has known me for quite some time. It was exciting to tell him that I am seeing a really great guy. I quickly fill him in on our dating journey, slipping in the part that I really struggled to call him my boyfriend. He commented that he wasn't suprised. I laughed, only because I was uncomfortable. That is what I do, I laugh when i am uncomfortable. I also skirt commitment. I am pretty sure this stems from a little bit of perfectionism. Not because I am a perfectionist, but that I am afraid of messing up (I prefer for things to work out "perfectly"). It takes a lot more for me to go for things because if I see a glimpse of potential failure, I "lose interest". I probably don't look like a perfectionist because I never put myself in a situation where I will do anything too far from right. I am sure it could be a road to a very uninteresting life. Thankfully God has put things in my life I have to commit to not knowing what could come of them.
All this to say, this summer has been fantastic and I am grateful I had this time to do stuff ("that's not stuff Meredith"). It will be nice to slip back into the 'ol routine in a few days.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

9 months!

I had a baby!
No, not really but it has been nine months since I last posted. That is long enough to brew a baby in my stomach. This brings up a good point, babies don't grow in the stomach which is a common misconception among most children. Babies grow in the womb. What is the womb, you ask? The womb is the uterus. So there you go. . .Also the birth canal is the passage from the uterus to the vagina. So now that we are all caught up on babies, let us move on. Move on to what? I don't know. Oh, I know, what I have been doing for these nine months. The reason I haven't been blogging. I had a full time job for a while. I taught high school kids with special needs. It was really fun! REALLY fun. There where some low-lights, but for the most part I was into it. I think it is fair to say that most of my time and thought has been consumed by my band BODIES OF WATER (in stores now!) We have been, playing, practicing, releasing, shooting, and hanging. I can't really get too far into it or else four days later I will have just scratched the surface and will spend another 3 days trying to wrap things up. That is a problem of mine with writing. I start writing and realize that it is going to take pages and pages to communicate what it is I am try to communicate, then I get overwhelmed, then I go for the easy out and end up looking skitzy.